Support employees of color. Secure the future of your business.

OfColor® boosts retirement outcomes for workers of color by leveraging culturally relevant financial coaching, technology, and instruction.

In the news

A woman smiling

We empower employees of color to build wealth.

The financial systems in America were not designed to support people of color, and navigation takes knowledge. OfColor delivers actionable, personalized strategies using technology, content, coaching, and a community focused on growth.

Our platform

Lift your employees to lift your business.

Backed by research and science, our platform allows employers to proactively support their workforce so that their employees can perform at their absolute best.

Just-in-time content

Help your employees build a financial legacy, their way.

Our content recognizes systemic barriers to wealth creation and will help your employees of color to navigate a financial system that was not built for them.

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1-on-1 & group coaching

Offer your employees coaches who know their financial truth

Our coaches understand the struggle of creating wealth in America as a person of color because they have lived it.

Community forums

Provide your team with a refuge.

Every day, OfColor members can meaningfully connect with one another, engage with like-minded experts, and share best practices.

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Intelligent financial tools

Give employees tools for personal achievement.

Financial situations and goals are personal—and so are solutions. Our tools will help your employees see where they stand and motivate them to get to where they want to go.

Finance mockup
People smiling

By nurturing the people you have, your company can attract the top diverse talent you want.

Our company was built for diversity by people of color.  It’s not only okay to acknowledge differences, it’s essential. We help support companies in creating a culture that addresses the needs of all employees.

Research tells a story

Now is the time, and work is the place.

The racial wealth gap does not stop at the workplace doors, and whole-person care requires us to acknowledge its impact.

The average wealth held by Black families is one-tenth that of white families; Latinx families have one-eighth.

At retirement, employees of color have only one-quarter of the amount saved by white employees.

The median Black household earns just 61 cents for every dollar of income earned by the median white household.

integrating with your process

Seamless introduction & implementation

Ongoing campaigns

We'll collaborate to strategically drive meaningful engagement through internal marketing that's distributed in partnership with employee resources groups and more.

Turnkey communications plan

We'll deliver a robust communications package that will help you intro the offering in all the right ways.

Constant alignment

We'll track improving financial wellness, coaching hours, content engagement and other metrics.

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