Addressing the Benefits Gap in the Gig Economy

In this panel from our Disruptive Discourse event, our community of experts discuss how organizations can better manage the future of inclusive benefits for short-term and contract workers.

A woman smiling

We empower employees of color to build wealth.

The financial systems in America were not designed to support people of color, and navigation takes knowledge. OfColor delivers actionable, personalized strategies using technology, content, coaching, and community focused on growth.


Monne Willians
Monne Williams
Partner, McKinsey & Company, and Co-author of “Race in the Workplace”
Ben profile picture
Benjamin Geyerhahn
Chief Executive Officer at Workers Benefit Fund
Makada Henry Nickie
Makada Henry Nickie
Robert and Virginia Hartley Fellow in Governance Studies at the Brookings Institution


Bethaney profile picture
Bethaney Wilkinson
Author of The Diversity Gap

Bethaney Wilkinson is the author of The Diversity Gap: Where good intentions meet true cultural change. As a coach and facilitator, she helps race conscious leaders and teams embody their values for racial equity and liberation.

Yemi profile picture
Yemi Rose
Founder & CEO, OfColor

Yemi Rose is the founder of OfColor (Techstars ’20), a financial wellness SaaS platform focused on employees of color.